Is ethics evaporating in the cyber era?

Part 1: Setting the scene


  • Alfredo M. Ronchi Politecnico di Milano


Mots-clés :

Appification, Artificial Intelligence, Bias, Cyber Devices


This paper provides a brief history of evolution of digital technologies and its impact on human societies. Further, it emphasizes on cyber ethical issues that include the pervasive use of cyber devices and technologies, including the evolving use of intelligent algorithms and machine learning to manage companies and support governments. This paper also discusses the protection of freedom of expression and mainstream information potential biases and information oversupply. It also focuses on the relevant role of “platforms” and how these are being monopolized by some countries. Finally, this paper summarizes the key aspects of The UNESCO IFAP Code of Ethics for the Information Society and related follow-ups.


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Comment citer

Ronchi, Alfredo M. 2022. « Is Ethics Evaporating in the Cyber Era? : Part 1: Setting the Scene ». The International Review of Information Ethics 32 (1). Edmonton, Canada.