Implicaciones éticas del uso del machine learning como mediador en el desarrollo de habilidades metacognitivas en niños y adolescentes


  • Miguel Ángel Pérez Álvarez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Mots-clés :

Educación, Ética, Inteligencia artificial, Machine Learning, Metacognición


This article reviews an approach to the use of Machine Learning in the development of metacognitive skills in children and adolescents. The pedagogical relevance and ethical implications in the introduction of emerging digital technologies in the educational field are analysed. We point out the relevance of a pedagogical and ethical approach to digital technologies that are used in the educational field to overcome the visions focused on the exclusive learning of the technique.


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Comment citer

Pérez Álvarez, Miguel Ángel. 2021. « Implicaciones éticas Del Uso Del Machine Learning Como Mediador En El Desarrollo De Habilidades Metacognitivas En niños Y Adolescentes ». The International Review of Information Ethics 30 (1). Edmonton, Canada.