Children's Rights by Design in AI Development for Education


  • Isabella Henriques Instituto Alana, São Paulo
  • Pedro Hartung Instituto Alana, São Paulo


Mots-clés :

Accessibility, AI for Children, Children's Rights by Design, Duty, Education, Global South, Legislation


The present article proposes that all AI that directly or indirectly impacts children, also in the educational processes, must always take children’s rights and interests always first. It highlights the legal duty to respect, protect and their rights by States and private actors, like tech-companies, in the design, developing and provision of any AI technology, product or service. In this sense, proposes that the Children's Rights by Design (CRbD) standard should be always applied by States and corporations.


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Comment citer

Henriques, Isabella, et Pedro Hartung. 2021. « Children’s Rights by Design in AI Development for Education ». The International Review of Information Ethics 29 (mars). Edmonton, Canada.