Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and International Human Rights Law


  • Fatima Roumate Public Law Department Agdal, Mohammed V University, Rabat


Mots-clés :

Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law


The ethics of artificial intelligence is the response to a new dilemma that demands international society to provide a legal response to the many ethical challenges artificial intelligence creates. COVID-19 accelerates the use of AI in all countries and all fields. The pandemic is accelerating the transition to a society that is increasingly based on the use of, and reliance on, AI, and this also enhances the threats and creates new risks related to human rights. Artificial Intelligence (AI) influences human rights and international humanitarian law. This paper addresses international mechanisms and ethics as new rules which can ensure the protection of human rights in the age of AI. Two arguments are discussed in this study. Considering the ubiquitous and global reach of AI, the challenges it imposes requires an international legal oversight, a requirement that highlights the importance of ethical frameworks. In conclusion, the paper emphasizes how optimal action is needed to protect human rights in the age of AI. Rethinking international law and human rights and enhancing the ethical frameworks have thus become obligatory rather than a choice.


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Comment citer

Roumate, Fatima. 2021. « Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and International Human Rights Law ». The International Review of Information Ethics 29 (mars). Edmonton, Canada.