From critical information literacy to a critical theory of information
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critical information literacy, critical theory of information, critical information theory, critical theory, critical pedagogyRésumé
In addition to proposing a reflective and revisionist analysis of information literacy conventions and institutional norms, critical information literacy studies assume a practical commitment to engage in the struggle against the power structures that support the dominant production and dissemination of information, creating obstacles to autonomy and social emancipation. This commitment is based on Paulo Freire's pedagogical perspective of praxis, which has in its (often overlooked) roots the critical fortune of Marxist historical materialism – which, in turn, also underpins the critical theory of the Frankfurt School philosophers. With this epistemological recognition in mind, this article presents a proposal for a critical theory of information conceived from a mediation between critical information literacy studies, critical pedagogy and critical theory, in an attempt to strengthen the theoretical-methodological perspective that guides the pedagogical praxis of such studies in the field of Library and Information Science.
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