Go, girls! longitudinal data on gender differences in Internet use in Brazil
https://doi.org/10.29173/irie406Mots-clés :
Brazilian Census Data, Gender and Science, Gender and Technology, Internet useRésumé
This article focuses on gender differences in Internet use in Brazil and how it is changing over time, considering its interplay with other environmental and social conditions. Initially, we consider evidence and theoretical approaches of women’s detachment from technology. We then look at data obtained from the 2005 and 2015 Brazilian Bureau of Census Annual Surveys. The results indicate that Internet use grew substantially in the country, but a large portion of the population is still segregated from it. The results also show that some social conditions for Internet use seem to have decreased their impact; however, in 2015 these factors still show a strong effect on the use of this technology. Insofar as gender is concerned, the analyses of its interplay with environmental and social conditions, and its change over time, bring about intriguing, albeit positive results: Women seemed to have transitioned from a slightly inferior to a somewhat better position relative to men.
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