On the ambivalence of information and communication technologies


  • Peter Fleissner




The diffusion of digital information and communication technologies (DICT) is strongly supported by many countries of the world. Today, as well as in the past, new technologies are charged with high expectations, but at a closer look one can see that these expectations then are very different from now. Today they depend on the various interests of different groups of people. Globally acting enterprises see DICT as essential stra-tegic instruments in gaining competitive power; some governments hope to reach military hegemony, others to control terrorism and crime, while grass root movements expect to become more influential on some aspects of society. The paper identifies and analyses basic tendencies which promote the various hopes: the effects of DICT on reducing production and transaction costs, and the possibility to transform information goods into marketable services or commodities. The final part of the paper is devoted to a few examples of how the potential of DICT can be used for social improvements.




Comment citer

Fleissner, Peter. 2007. « On the Ambivalence of Information and Communication Technologies ». The International Review of Information Ethics 7 (septembre). Edmonton, Canada:146-54. https://doi.org/10.29173/irie16.