Uma análise sobre a política de informação para a defesa militar do Brasil: algumas implicações éticas


  • Bruno M Nathansohn



Some ethical implications: It is presented the development of the information policy for the military defense of Brazil, taking into consideration information actions, which were implemented during the Brazilian history, and in the context of the regions where the country carries out geostrategic influence. The hypothesis is that there is a dilemma of the Brazilian state between cooperative international relations, based on a multilateral perspective, and the threats to its critical information infrastructure. Besides, technically there is a fragility of the cybernetics infrastructure because of the lack of an appropriate information policy, which could contribute to the position of Brazil in the international system of power, in accordance with its potentialities. Questions that imply ethics dilemmas about the threshold between the cooperative interchange, on the one hand, and the preservation of sovereignty, on the other, related with what should, or should not, be shared in the cyberspace.




Comment citer

Nathansohn, Bruno M. 2013. « Uma análise Sobre a política De informação Para a Defesa Militar Do Brasil: Algumas implicações éticas ». The International Review of Information Ethics 20 (décembre). Edmonton, Canada:28-36.