Existe diversidade de letramento digital sem reflexão crítica sobre a leitura?
Parte 2 - A alfabetização 'grávida de mundo'
Critical Theory, Digital Literacy, Diversity, Information Science, ReadingAbstract
This paper furthers the discussion that intersects the works of Paulo Freire and Nicolas Roubakine, within the sphere of the epistemology of Information Science, on the role of reading as a tool for acquiring knowledge and developing critical awareness. The theoretical concepts employed in this research are founded on Roubakine's approach to reading, who saw it as a means to socialize knowledge among socially oppressed groups, and complemented by the perception that reading involves reading the world itself. Ultimately, the knowledge acquired through these reading experiences could be used to increase readers' awareness of their environments and create opportunities to resist and oppose the inequalities that are perpetuated in current information regimes.
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