AI, Reconciliation, and Settler Teachers’ Mediated Morality



artificial intelligence


This case study addresses the integration of generative AI (GenAI) within educational practices, particularly in
the context of reconciliation and decolonization of curriculum in Canadian schools. The case focuses on a
teacher using ChatGPT to generate Cree star stories for a grade 4/5 science unit, aiming to fulfill the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission's (TRC) educational calls to action. The study explores the ethical implications of
using AI to include diverse knowledge traditions, questioning the potential harms and benefits, and highlighting
the challenges of ensuring AI aligns with Indigenous epistemologies. Normative ethical theories and the
TechnoEthical Framework for Teachers (TEFT) are employed to examine how AI technologies shape and
mediate teacher practices and pedagogical responsibilities.


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How to Cite

Groten, Sean, Catherine Adams, and Jillian Kowalchuk. 2024. “AI, Reconciliation, and Settler Teachers’ Mediated Morality”. The International Review of Information Ethics 34 (1). Edmonton, Canada.