The Ourobouros of Intellectual Property: Ethics, Law, and Policy in Africa


  • Sandra Braman



Because law, policy, and ethics are multiply intertwined, developments in any one of these areas can affect what happens in each of the others. Thus those interested in African information ethics will find it valuable to examine trends in law and policy – and those concerned about legal trends should acknowledge effective leadership when it comes from the direction of ethical practices. Though African societies are almost always pictured as receivers of social, informational, and technological innovations that come from other sources, today many Africans are providing global leadership by developing innovative techniques for approaching the problem of information access. This article describes the context within which this is taking place, including a brief introduction to innovations in a number of areas, before looking in particular at innovations involving intellectual property rights that blend law, policy, and ethics.




How to Cite

Braman, Sandra. 2007. “The Ourobouros of Intellectual Property: Ethics, Law, and Policy in Africa”. The International Review of Information Ethics 7 (September). Edmonton, Canada:253-62.